Tuesday, February 12, 2008

African documentaries

African documentaries are generally those produced about the continent by Africans or others who were either born there,lived there a very long time inspite of their race or ethnicity.Those who readily identify with trhe continent's struggles and are willing to divorce themselves from prejudices and address the continent's questions with a positive outlook can be considered sons of the soil.
An African proverb says that "no one points at his father's village with his left hand"-which means that in analyzing problems of the motherland you will be constructive instead of destructive in your criticisms.After all how many people discuss their own continent with contempt or disdain even when they are guilty of murdering scores of innocent people in their past?So the way forward for African documentary makers is to alter the rhetoric about the continent which has been condescending, patronizing and most times degrading.
Additionally ,African documentaries should bring forth the problems ,with solutions offered so that the documaker will not merely be an observer recording facts but one who participates in Africa's healing. Indeed the continent does need a lot of help in terms of its citizens helping economically,socially and in several different ways.And mind you it is only those who are Africans by heart who can effectively produce answers.

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